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Gulf Marine Repair Corporation

Gulf States
1800 Grant St, Tampa, FL, 33605, USA
813 247-3153
813 247-4519
Year Established:
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Company Description
Gulf Marine is a full-service shipyard with over fifty years of ship repair knowledge and experience. At Gulf Marine we can serve all of your vessel needs and requirements from the smallest topside jobs to dry dockings. Our services run the gamut from plate renewal to ocean going barge double hull conversion design and installation, from fender repair to Bludworth, Intercon or JAK-coupler installation, from valve repair to complete cargo, ballast or heating oil system design and installation, from repainting a handrail to complete hull or internal blasting and coating, from polishing a propeller to fabrication of propulsion shafting and installation, from changing a light bulb to designing and installing a new electrical system. Competitive pricing, quality work and on-time delivery is the customer’s goal and Gulf Marine’s promise. Surprises should be left for birthdays and holidays, not for the end of a job. With this in mind, Gulf Marine quotes prices that accurately reflect the scope and quality of work to be preformed. Throughout each job we never forget the customer and we keep everyone involved apprised of the work performance and costs.
Madeline Hernandez, Contact
J Gallagher, Contact
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